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Payette's Packed Black Friday Bonanza

We bundled up and braved the cold last night to check out Payette Brewing Co.'s annual Black Friday dark beer event. This year, Payette hosted the shindig at the site of its future home on 13th and River streets.

Since the building is still in the early stages of construction, Payette erected a giant tent in the parking lot and pumped it full of plenty of heat. Tokens cost $4 for one four-ounce pour and you got a free tiny glass with your purchase.

All of the extra potent, oil-black stouts and porters were pumped into pitchers, which were then lined up on a long row of tables where volunteers doled out samples. I tried Stone's Russian Imperial Stout and Odell's Russian Pirate Rum Barrel Aged Russian Imperial Stout, along with sips of Sierra Nevada's 2014 Narwhal Imperial Stout and Full Sail's Bourbon Barrel Imperial Stout. All excellent.

Black Friday attendees also had the option to purchase larger glasses of lighter-hued Payette brews, along with snacks from City Peanut Shop and Big City Coffee. Archie's Place had its rig parked outside slinging sloppy grilled cheeses to the shivering masses.

Good beers, good times.

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